Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mock Skills Presentation: Make a Google Search Product Suggestion

Situation: Online social networks (fb/twitter etc.) benefit from having their logo boxes included at the bottom of nearly every page on the web, and although the 'g' in a box logo follows their basic model, Google has an opportunity to jump ahead with the introduction of a short//search co-branded instant search solution that could deliver an entirely new dimension to its traditional search product.

Suggestion: Create a unique type of targeted, co-branded search solution (web code text string) that connects google search to businesses and organizations at the keyword level. The idea is to create a very short text string, that when entered into the url field of an internet browser, would return a Google search page with the corresponding keyword results. Businesses could use the co//branded solution their websites, and other collateral material.

Co-Branded Example:   google//co-branded-keywords

For example a co-branded string google//clintgarwood could be made to return this page:

Although the example (when entered into the url field) currently returns this page:

Any brand or keyword-phrase could be used, and if done properly, companies could simply adapt the format without having to receive prior permission or approval to use in their promotions:
     google//World-Peace          etc...,

Google short//search co-branding would serve, and provide value to Company customers, partners and other organizations by allowing them to share targeted Google searches. Businesses that dedicate professional effort and resources to ensure their presentation is competitive on the other end of the short search line (top three results) will enjoy access to an extremely targeted stream of online customers.  The co-branded format would also reduce the number of user keystrokes and web pages users need to visit to connect with the targeted keyword search results page. The concept is easily adapted for mobile products in unique formats.

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